I am a little late on this, but here is my music playlist of July! I feel like I've been listening to a lot of new songs that I discovered or was released recently so there will be a lot of songs that I want to share with you guys!
Kaze ni Fukarete/Juice=Juice
I love how this song starts with a piano sound then it shifts to a more Scottish sound and it makes this song somewhat of a ballad but at the same time, it's up-tempo. I find that Juice=Juice songs always sound cool but in a different way each time which I think is a way that people won't get tired of their songs each time.
Can't Stop/Edge of Life
I discovered this song randomly on the avex channel and I started to like this song. At first I was a little hesitant to buy this song on Itunes but it was stuck in my head so I bought it. This song is obviously has a pop-rock sound and I think the lyrics really represent their band name.
Zenryoku Pump Up/Up Up Girls( Kakko Kari)
Though I don't listen to their songs that often, I thought this song
was pretty good. I like how this song is a party song but it has
somewhat of a idol-ish tune(I can't really explain it lol).
Cutie Panter/Love Live
I honestly find a lot of the Love Live songs that they sing in the series are too girly for me but I really like the songs that they release just as an release. I like how this song has a girly sound but it's sounds cool and I just think this is one of the best love songs that I've heard.
Itsuka no, Ikutsuka no Kimi no Sekai/fhana
I find this song relaxing and it's kind of nice to listen to something like this every once in a while since I listen to a lot of up-tempo dubstep music.
Beat in Angel/Love Live
When it came to Love Live songs, I only liked Maki and Umi's voice so I never really bothered to listen to a bunch of other songs but I really like song and I kind of like Rin's voice.
Take Off is Now/Morning Musume
I can't believe I didn't like this song years ago! This is definitely a song that only the Platinum era members can sing. It's very mature and I first thought it was kind of inappropriate but when I gave it more of a listen, it's really not. ]
That is it for this month's music playlist! I will try to update this blog as often as I can but if I'm not, I'm not dead, I'm just lazy.
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