Monday, September 2, 2013

Single Review: Come on A My House

This is my first actual review on this blog. For my first song review, I'm going to talk about Hey! Say! JUMP's latest single, Come on A My House. I'm not familiar with all the songs on this single because I only bought the limited edition so I'm just going to review the songs that are on it.

Come On A My House: When I first listened to it, I did not like it. But after I listened to it a few more times, it started to grow on me and I like it now. It's such a fun and catchy song and it has a HSJ feel to it. It's also very cute and I think the lyrics are cute as well. But the title of the song drives me nuts! Whenever I listen to it, I feel like my english gets a little messed up despite being fluent.

Just For You: This song is mainly a ballad and the complete opposite of the main song.I think this song shows more of HS7's mature side and that they're not kids anymore. I also think the lyrics are very touching and it's nice to listen to something like this every once in a while.

Scramble: Just like HS7's song, it is more of a ballad but at the same time, it is a little up-tempo and mature. I can't choose which song I like more but if I had to choose, then I guess I like this song a little more than Just For You.

If I were to rank this single out of 10, I would give it a 6.5. It's not bad but it certainly isn't my favorite. I feel like the coupling songs are more stronger than the main song. That's actually what made me want to buy this version than the regular edition. I loved Bounce but I wasn't very fond of the other coupling song. Overall, the main song has a HSJ feel to it and other than the title, I think it's a good song :)

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